
How Botox Treats Migraines

How Botox Treats Migraines

Botox is a cosmetic injectable that thousands of people have seen value in for smoothing out their fine lines and wrinkles. While it’s certainly beneficial for this reason, several thousand people are also seeing the value in it for migraines. Could Botox for migraines be right for you?

How Does Botox Treatment for Migraines Work?

It’s natural to be dubious about using a cosmetic injection as a migraine treatment method. You may not see how the two could work in harmony or even why there would be any success. However, the studies look promising.

In one study involving adults with chronic migraines, Botox was able to reduce the number of days they experienced migraines and other headache types while also cutting down how many days they had off work.

Another study found that 70% percent of migraine sufferers were able to see a 50% reduction in the number of headaches they experienced. While extensive research is still ongoing, doctors believe Botox blocks the neurotransmitters that transport pain signals from your brain. This prevents them from accessing the nerve endings in your neck and head that result in the symptoms you experience.

What’s Involved in Botox Treatment for Migraines?

As nervous as you might be about receiving Botox treatment in your head for migraine treatment, there’s no need to worry. It’s a straightforward process when carried out by a trained medical professional.

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