Small Garden

7 Ways Landscape Designers Can Overcome The Limited Space In A Small Garden

7 Ways Landscape Designers Can Overcome The Limited Space In A Small Garden

“Size isn’t everything” is a claim you will often hear being made. In certain circumstances it may well not be “everything”, but it can have a significant role. This certainly applies when you have a small garden, and you decide to employ a landscape designer to make the most of its less than generous dimensions.

Thankfully, with the skills and experience that professional landscapers have, they will know multiple ideas, techniques, and tricks that will allow them to create for you a landscaping design that maximizes the potential of the limited space which your garden offers. Here are 7 of those ways it might be achieved.

#1: Using Their Imagination

It is hard to put a quantifiable value on this but one of the greatest talents that many landscape designers have is the means to use their imagination to create solutions where others cannot think of any. That is invaluable when they are trying to design a garden where the amount of space is extremely limited. However, do it they can by triggering their creative juices and seeing pictures in their mind’s eye of how everything is going to fit in the available space.

#2: Creativity With Respect To Shapes And Sizes

Part of the design skills a landscape designer will be able to offer is utilising unconventional shapes, design attributes and customisations where possible, to create a garden design that maximises the space and allows everything to work within that design. Examples could be reshaping a small lawn, using smaller paving stones, or resizing existing features.

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