pre-wedding experience

Fun Bridal Party Activities In Your Pyjamas

Fun Bridal Party Activities In Your Pyjamas

There can be more to wedding planning than simply booking caterers and venues and learning vows. It can also be an opportunity to spend time with the family members and friends in your bridal party and do fun activities while wearing personalised pyjamas.

If you’re trying to create the perfect pre-wedding experience, here are a few fun bridal activities to do in your pyjamas.

Movie Night

Any bride-to-be looking for a low-key bridal activity to do in the lead-up to their big day can’t go wrong with a movie night. After gifting all members of your bridal party with a set of personalised pyjamas, you can line up a few movies in your watchlist, buy some treats like popcorn and lollies, and settle in for the evening.

You may even like to make things interesting by purchasing a few bottles of wine. However, having an alcohol-free night may also not be a bad idea if your wedding is just around the corner.

Beauty Treatments

Having bad skin on your wedding day is most bride-to-be’s worst nightmare. While wedding photographers can smooth out your skin on request, it doesn’t hurt to do all you can in the lead-up to the big day to make your skin as healthy as possible.

Therefore, if you’re short of ideas for a low-key bridal party at home, consider trying a few different beauty treatments. You and your best friends can wear face masks, try different creams, and relax with a grazing platter and a glass of wine.

You may even like to have your hair done or facials, book a home-visit masseuse, paint each other’s nails, or schedule a luxurious spa treatment at The Beauty Gallery. There are so many fun, beauty-related things you can do while relaxing at home in your pajamas.

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